Cody is a front-end code specialist and focuses on writing testable, reusable, modern web applications with React. He joined the Nearform Phoenix team in mid-2019, having previously worked for Invitation Homes, a single-family home rental company where he worked with React, Node, and PostgreSQL. While there he developed a feature that allowed his internal team to request rental documents from customers and for customers to upload those documents directly from their profiles. Cody fully developed this feature, front -> back, including authenticated endpoints, React UI, and writing data models in SQL. Cody enjoys writing software that solves business problems and produces tangible, real-world results. He's also active in the OSS community and created an open source React component called react-multiple-choice that helps people build multiple choice tests into their applications. When not writing code, you'll find Cody outdoors where he enjoys backpacking, snowboarding, and camping.