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The root q object

The q object (created in the Configuration section) has 3 main purposes:

Start a query chain

All query chains start with either or q.project(...). All methods of a query chain return a new chainable instance of GroqBuilder. Every chain is immutable, and can be reused if needed.

See the Filters and Projections documentation for more details.

Create reusable fragments

You can also define reusable "projection fragments" using the q.fragment<T>() method.

See the Fragments documentation for more details.

Provide GROQ functions

The root q object provides various wrappers for GROQ functions, like q.count(...), q.coalesce(...) and

See the GROQ Functions documentation for more details.

An example query

const top10ProductsQuery = (
.order("price asc")
.slice(0, 10)
.project(sub => ({
title: z.string(),
price: z.number(),
images: sub.field("images[]").field("asset").deref().project({
url: z.string(),
altText: z.string(),