Voronoi charts are used for visualizing proximity and influence by dividing space into distinct regions based on the distance to a set of points.
See the full API here. Typically composed with VictoryChart
to create full charts.
<VictoryChart domain={{ x: [0, 5], y: [0, 7] }} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryVoronoi data={[ { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 3, y: 5 }, { x: 4, y: 4 }, { x: 5, y: 7 }, ]} /> </VictoryChart>
Voronoi - Labels
Voronoi charts can be used to display labels using a label
property in the dataset or by specifying a function to the labels
<VictoryChart domain={{ x: [0, 5], y: [0, 7] }} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryVoronoi data={[ { x: 1, y: 2, label: "Dogs" }, { x: 2, y: 3, label: "Cats" }, { x: 3, y: 5, label: "Snakes" }, { x: 4, y: 4, label: "Rabbits" }, { x: 5, y: 7, label: "Birds" }, ]} /> </VictoryChart>
<VictoryChart domain={{ x: [0, 5], y: [0, 7] }} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryVoronoi data={[ { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 3, y: 5 }, { x: 4, y: 4 }, { x: 5, y: 7 }, ]} labels={({ datum }) => `y: ${datum.y}` } /> </VictoryChart>
Voronoi - Tooltips
Tooltips can be added by using a VictoryTooltip
component as the labelComponent
<VictoryChart domain={{ x: [0, 5], y: [0, 7] }} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryVoronoi data={[ { x: 1, y: 2, label: "Dogs" }, { x: 2, y: 3, label: "Cats" }, { x: 3, y: 5, label: "Snakes" }, { x: 4, y: 4, label: "Rabbits" }, { x: 5, y: 7, label: "Birds" }, ]} labels={({ datum }) => datum.y} labelComponent={<VictoryTooltip />} /> </VictoryChart>
Voronoi - Circles
Voronoi charts can also be used to display circles around data points.
const data = [ { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 3, y: 5 }, { x: 4, y: 4 }, { x: 5, y: 7 }, ]; function App() { return ( <VictoryChart domain={{ x: [0, 5], y: [0, 7] }} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryVoronoi data={data} size={50} /> <VictoryLine data={data} /> <VictoryScatter data={data} /> </VictoryChart> ); } render(<App />);
Voronoi - Animation
Charts can be animated by setting the animate
prop. See the animations guide for more information.
function App() { const [data, setData] = React.useState(getData()); React.useState(() => { const setStateInterval = window.setInterval(() => { setData(getData()); }, 4000); return () => { window.clearInterval( setStateInterval, ); }; }, []); return ( <VictoryChart theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryVoronoi theme={VictoryTheme.clean} animate={{ duration: 1000 }} data={data} /> <VictoryScatter theme={VictoryTheme.clean} animate={{ duration: 1000 }} data={data} /> </VictoryChart> ); } function getData() { return _.range(20).map((i: number) => { return { x: _.random(600), y: _.random(600), i, }; }); } render(<App />);
Voronoi - Styles
Chart styling can be customized by using the theme or overriding the style prop on the component.
<VictoryChart domain={{ x: [0, 5], y: [0, 7] }} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryVoronoi data={[ { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 3, y: 5 }, { x: 4, y: 4 }, { x: 5, y: 7 }, ]} style={{ data: { stroke: "#ffffff", strokeWidth: 2, fill: "#2299ff", fillOpacity: 0.7, }, }} /> </VictoryChart>
Voronoi - Events
Events can be handled by passing an array of event objects to the events
prop on the component. Each event object should specify a target
and an eventHandlers
object. See the events guide for more information.
<VictoryChart domain={{ x: [0, 5], y: [0, 7] }} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} > <VictoryVoronoi events={[ { target: "data", eventHandlers: { onClick: () => { return [ { target: "data", mutation: (props) => { const fill = props.style && props.style.fill; return fill === "white" ? null : { style: { fill: "white", }, }; }, }, ]; }, }, }, ]} data={sampleData} /> </VictoryChart>
Standalone Rendering
Area charts can be rendered outside a VictoryChart.
<VictoryVoronoi theme={VictoryTheme.clean} data={[ { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 3, y: 5 }, { x: 4, y: 4 }, { x: 5, y: 7 }, ]} />
They can also be embeded in other SVG components by using the standalone
<svg width={300} height={300} style={{ display: "block", margin: "0 auto", }} > <circle cx={150} cy={150} r={150} fill="#9ded91" /> <VictoryVoronoi standalone={false} theme={VictoryTheme.clean} width={300} height={300} data={[ { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 3, y: 5 }, { x: 4, y: 4 }, { x: 5, y: 7 }, ]} /> </svg>