Histogram - Slider
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const LIGHT_GREY = "hsl(355, 20%, 90%)"; const PRIMARY_COLOR = "hsl(355, 92%, 67%)"; const yearToSeason = (year) => `${year}-${(year + 1 + "").slice( 2, 4, )}`; const basketballData = _.range(2000, 2020).reduce( (accum, year) => { accum[year] = _.range(1, 200).map( (idx) => ({ player: `player ${idx}`, "3pa": _.random(0, 100) / 12, }), ); return accum; }, {}, ); const YEARS = Object.keys( basketballData, ).map((year) => parseInt(year, 10)); const FIRST_YEAR = YEARS[0]; const LAST_YEAR = YEARS[YEARS.length - 1]; const TOTAL_YEARS = LAST_YEAR - FIRST_YEAR; const getTooltipText = ({ datum }) => { const { binnedData, x0, x1 } = datum; const playerCount = binnedData.length; if (!playerCount) { return null; } const playerNames = binnedData .slice(0, 2) .map(({ player }) => { const [firstName, lastName] = player.split(" "); return lastName ? `${firstName.slice( 0, 1, )}. ${lastName}` : firstName; }) .join(", "); const playerNamesList = `\n (${playerNames}${ playerCount > 2 ? `, and ${ playerCount - 2 } more players` : "" })`; return `${playerCount} player${ playerCount === 1 ? "" : "s" } averaged between ${x0}-${x1} 3PT attempts ${playerNamesList}`; }; const sharedAxisStyles = { axis: { stroke: "transparent", }, tickLabels: { fill: LIGHT_GREY, fontSize: 14, }, axisLabel: { fill: LIGHT_GREY, padding: 36, fontSize: 15, fontStyle: "italic", }, }; const App = () => { const [year, setYear] = React.useState(FIRST_YEAR); return ( <div> <svg className="fixed opacity-0"> <defs> <linearGradient id="gradient1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="50%" y2="100%" > <stop offset="0%" stopColor="#FFE29F" /> <stop offset="40%" stopColor="#FFA99F" /> <stop offset="100%" stopColor={PRIMARY_COLOR} /> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg> <div className="xl:rounded-b-md pt-10 px-9 pb-8 bg-[#2b2a31]"> <VictoryChart containerComponent={ <VictoryVoronoiContainer labels={getTooltipText} voronoiDimension="x" labelComponent={ <VictoryTooltip constrainToVisibleArea style={{ fill: LIGHT_GREY, fontSize: 11, }} flyoutStyle={{ fill: "#24232a", stroke: PRIMARY_COLOR, strokeWidth: 0.5, }} /> } /> } height={280} > <VictoryLabel text={`3pt Attempts Per Game Averages (${yearToSeason( year, )})`} x={225} y={18} textAnchor="middle" style={{ fill: LIGHT_GREY, fontSize: 16, }} /> <VictoryAxis style={{ ...sharedAxisStyles, grid: { fill: LIGHT_GREY, stroke: LIGHT_GREY, pointerEvents: "painted", strokeWidth: 0.5, }, }} label="# of players" dependentAxis /> <VictoryAxis style={{ ...sharedAxisStyles, axisLabel: { ...sharedAxisStyles.axisLabel, padding: 35, }, }} label="3pt attempts per game" /> <VictoryHistogram cornerRadius={2} domain={{ y: [0, 125] }} animate={{ duration: 300 }} data={basketballData[year]} bins={_.range(0, 16, 2)} style={{ data: { stroke: "transparent", fill: "url(#gradient1)", strokeWidth: 1, }, labels: { fill: "red", }, }} x="3pa" /> </VictoryChart> <YearSlider year={year} setYear={setYear} /> </div> </div> ); }; const getYear = (percent) => Math.round( FIRST_YEAR + TOTAL_YEARS * (percent / 100), ); const SEASONS = YEARS.map((year) => yearToSeason(year), ); const YearSlider = ({ year, setYear, }) => { const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0); return ( <div className="pt-16 px-7 pb-2.5"> <Slider onChange={(newValue) => { setValue(newValue); const calculatedYear = getYear(newValue); if (year !== calculatedYear) { setYear(calculatedYear); } }} color={PRIMARY_COLOR} value={value} maxValue={100} tooltipValues={SEASONS} /> </div> ); }; render(<App />);