Carlos Kelly

Carlos Kelly


Carlos Kelly is the CTO and a software engineer at Nearform. As CTO, Carlos leads a team of Engineering Directors that support, train, and mentor Nearform engineers. Carlos oversees Nearform's technical direction, platforms and offerings, and engineering practice.

Carlos has more than 14 years of experience in the software engineering field. Carlos has led the development of news, e-commerce, retail, and visual design apps. His computer science and mathematics background have informed his structured, methodical approach to software development. Carlos joined the Nearform team as a software engineer in 2016, where he focused on creating native and full-stack web apps for companies like Walmart, The Atlantic, Opendorse, Google, and Starbucks.

Prior to Nearform, Carlos started his software engineering career as a macOS and iOS developer then broke into the web scene. When Carlos is not in meetings or coding, you can find him in Omaha golfing with his friends or spending time with his husband, chocolate lab, and a very opinionated chihuahua.

Victory Native Turns 40

November 17, 2023
Victory Native XL is a ground-up rewrite of Victory Native that diverges from the Victory Web API to leverage modern tooling in the React Native space to offer peak performance and flexibility.

Build a Text Summarizer in 100 Lines of Code with Vercel AI SDK

June 16, 2023
Vercel recently announced their AI SDK. I wanted to see just how easy it was to get up and running with this Vercel AI SDK and build something simple, but with some potential usefulness.

Powering Our Website's Evolution: Next.js App Router and Sanity CMS in Action

June 15, 2023
What we've learned building web apps using Sanity and Next.js App Router that is great for content authors and great for end users while rearchitecting our website.

Why Choose React Native?

May 24, 2021
React Native unifies development teams by leveraging the same set of technologies on multiple platforms. Here are some of the key reasons why you might want to consider React Native for your next development project.

Introducing Spectacle's Enhanced Architecture

February 10, 2021
Introducing Spectacle's all new architecture, which includes several under-the-hood improvements that improve the overall experience with a couple API changes based on community feedback.

A New Generation For Spectacle

March 10, 2020
At Formidable we spent the last five months working on a rewrite of Spectacle. We started with some clear goals to set Spectacle up well for the future: a modern internal architecture that’s easier to contribute to, faster authoring experience, consistent theming system, and the elimination of external boilerplates and scripts. Welcome to Spectacle 6!

Nuka Carousel: The React Carousel, Rethought and Refined

April 23, 2018
Nuka Carousel is a pure-React carousel component that can support any kind of component as children, including text and images. Nuka has no built-in design, so it can be styled to fit any app. The carousel navigation can be controlled with either a container component...

Effortless Assertions and Testing with Enzyme Matchers 6

March 26, 2018
Enzyme Matchers allows you to run common assertions on your React components using Enzyme in a Jest or Jasmine environment. With it, you can easily test styles, disabled states, stylesheet classes, text and more. With version 6.0, Enzyme Matchers simplifies setup...

Spectacle 4.0 Has Arrived

November 14, 2017
Since Spectacle was released in early 2016, it’s been fun spotting it in use in presentations at conferences and meetups. The PacMan progress indicator and other familiar UI elements tend give it away, and it is exciting to see every single time. However, plenty of people are still...

Introducing Webpack Dashboard & Electron Webpack Dashboard 1.0

October 17, 2017
After releasing Webpack Dashboard and Electron Webpack Dashboard, we realized that we had hit a sweet spot for developer tooling. Developers wanted to be able to have more transparency and more visual feedback from their build processes (and they like...

Why React Native is the Best Choice for Making Native Apps

June 14, 2017
Companies often eschew building native apps, thinking hybrid solutions will be easier and more cost effective to build. They end up shoving a not-so-responsive web app into some kind of native web frame, which ultimately leads to terrible user experience. Many companies opt to have...